
帮助黑人所有的企业找到最好的资金来源, 我们向首席执行官和商业领袖询问了这个问题,以获得他们的最佳见解. 从我支持有色人种女性项目到在位企业, there are several options available particularly for Black business owners to secure funding for their businesses. 


iFundWomen is your typical crowdfunding platform with a twist, offering their “我支持有色人种女性” program to give exclusive grant access to business owners and entrepreneurs that are women of color. Beyond grants, 无债务众筹资本, 融资辅导, and networking opportunities are all made available to help support WOC in their business ventures.

Ruben Gamez, SignWell


哈莱姆资本合伙人 is a venture group that started with a mission in 2019. They allocated a $40 million capital fund to help minority- and women-owned businesses. This diversity-focused capital fund aims to build a network of 1,000 companies and help them succeed. 最近,他们建立了 哈莱姆资本合伙人风险投资基金II该股收于1.34亿美元. 第二基金将更加关注寻求早期种子投资的公司. 该基金将更加重视消费技术和企业. HCP targets more than 10% ownership and will actively participate in funding rounds.

黛比·Meeuws 大自然的弧线


为美国黑人提供了一种新的种子前资本. 美国黑人, 奴隶制度的后裔, 居住在加州的居民现在有资格获得现金赔偿. 美国黑人 who could not raise pre-seed or seed capital from biased venture capitalists or angel investors no longer have to beg for meager pennies on the dollar. 为美国黑人创办的初创企业提供风险投资.S. was $324 million in the second quarter of this year—a steep drop from prior quarters according to Crunchbase.

布鲁克·辛克莱 Velourit


社区发展金融机构基金 cdfi是传统银行融资的另一种选择. They serve distressed communities in urban and/or rural areas throughout the country. They are funded by grants, traditional banks, the federal government, and/or private resources. Typically, CDFIs have more flexible borrowing criteria and higher interest rates than traditional banks. 它们是初创企业和成熟企业的重要资源.

Pat Marshall, 高盛1万家小企业


全美黑人MBA协会(NBMBAA)于2017年发起了该项目 扩大规模挑战 is an excellent funding opportunity that black-owned entrepreneurs can explore. Every year, 参与者有一个特定的主题来关注, where they can showcase unique business concepts and establish scalable startups. 获胜的队伍将获得50美元的大奖,000, 足以让他们的愿景变成现实. In fact, previous winners had already experienced massive success with investors because of the funding and exposure they gained from the challenge.

Adam Garcia, 股票傻瓜


Kiva is a crowdfunding platform with a mission of providing better financial access to underserved groups and communities. 企业主可以申请最高15美元的贷款,000英镑,0%利息, and the process involves filling out an online form and going through a review of your business and ability to pay.

Kiva reviews various criteria to determine the amount you are qualified to borrow. 这包括你的业务性质和财务背景. However, 而不是你的信用评级, Kiva使用一个社会验证系统来建立你的信誉. Those who pass this stage can then tap Kiva’s full network of public fundraisers. From there, interested lenders can contribute to the loan fund directly from the platform. 他们选择投资的钱完全归借款人所有, 然后他们可以在给定的时间表内偿还.

Milo Cruz, 自由写作工作


支持黑人企业联盟 is a partnership of several brands that have united to empower Black-owned businesses. 该联盟将提供1400万美元的少数族裔补助金, resources, and training through 2023 and is meant to help small businesses recover from setbacks related to the pandemic. The Coalition includes ADP, American Express, AIG Foundation, Altice USA, the S&P全球基金会和陶氏化学. 

Each fall, businesses apply for grants of $5000, which include mentorship and training benefits. In the summer, 少数最初的受助人还能获得额外的25美元,为额外的资助及支援而提供的加强补助金. Eligible businesses must be Black owned and located in economically distressed communities. 即使没有选择一个企业, it's worth applying; each fall, the grant committee selects 400 eligible applications at random to receive cash awards and other benefits.

格奥尔基托多罗夫, ThriveMyWay

Mansa Fund

Mansa Fund is an organization that makes micro-investments in Black and Latino-owned small businesses. To apply, owners must fill out a brief online application that asks them to describe their current needs, 以及他们经营的目的. 然后审查应用程序, 如果获得批准,资金通常会在24小时内通过PayPal支付.

Dan Gray, Kotn Supply

SBA 7a小额贷款

A shocking statistic is that 95% of black-owned businesses have no employees outside of the business owner, which was something we also saw at iBusiness资金 during the various rounds of PPP. 这个问题的解是a 小额贷款. SBA 7a计划为企业主提供了很大的灵活性, 尤其是贷款是350美元,000 or less. 这些小额贷款提供有竞争力的利率, minimal fees, longer terms to improve cash flow and can be used for a variety of business needs.

The most common use for 小额贷款s at our institution is working capital requests. Working capital loans are perfect for black-owned businesses because they can provide the liquidity needed to hire employees, 增加广告和营销, 支付日常业务费用, and much more. It is crucial to get low-cost capital into the hands of black business owners so that cost savings can go directly to the bottom line thus enabling them to re-invest to grow and succeed.

Josh Orloff, iBusiness资金


后台的资本 is an investment resource created for entrepreneurs who struggle to find investors, 尤其是那些选择有限的人,比如有色人种, women, 以及LGBTQ+社区. 少数族裔拥有的企业只获得全部风险投资的10%, 这群志趣相投的人正在努力改变这种状况. 如果你有一个高度可扩展的公司,并且愿意投入时间, you could be one of the 180+ underserved business owners that have already benefitted from financial and support resources.

费尔南多•洛佩兹 Circuit


全国自雇协会(NASE)增长补助金 为黑人和少数族裔企业提供了很多便利. This group is unique because it provides daily support with consolidated buying power that typically is unavailable to small businesses. 它还提供专家和福利. They offer $4,5万美元的商业补助金,用于支付兼职帮助等费用, 农业设备, computers, 以及其他技术.

Bruce Tasios, Tasios口腔正畸学


在位企业 是一家由黑人女性创立的早期风险投资公司. The company focuses on investment opportunities at the Seed and Series A level of the investment ladder. They are committed to building a portfolio that has at least 50% of its founders to be people of color or women since they support investing in businesses that are owned by women and people of color. 它专门从事货币事务, 金融服务, 还有风险投资, 其他相关领域. 该公司成立于2017年,总部位于纽约,负责美国业务.

斯科特•奥布莱恩 PPC Ad Lab

布雷特Farmiloe是创始人 & Featured首席执行官, an expert insights network that connects subject matter experts with publishers to create Q&A content.
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There are programs that offer education, support and grants specifically for Black-owned businesses. 黑人企业家可以从这些资源中受益.

版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

